Rent A Bob is open seven days a week. You can order or book our service up to one hour before closing time. Please take an arrival time of 45-60 minutes into consideration.


Rent A Bob’s designated driver service operates seven days a week between the following times:
Monday: 20.00 – 00.00 uur
Tuesday: 20.00 – 00.00 uur
Wednesday 20.00 – 00.00 uur
Thursday 20.00 – 00.00 uur  
Friday: 20.00 – 02.00 uur 
Saturday: 20.00 – 02.00 uur 
Sunday: 20:00 – 00:00 uur
If you need a driver in the last hour of our opening times, you are required to book at least one hour before closing time.

RATES (incl. 21% VAT)

Rent A Bob charges on basis of the kilometers driven in your car. 

Waiting rate € 2,00 per minute
Intermediate stop: € 6,00 

Tikkie, iDeal
through bank account (after registration)
through Park-Line

1-10 € 50,- 35 – 39 € 110,-
11 € 55,- 40 – 44 € 117,50
12 € 60,- 45 – 54 € 135,-
13 € 65,- 55 – 64 € 150,-
14 € 70,- 65 – 74 € 165,-
15 € 75,- 75 – 84 € 180,-
16 – 19 € 80,- 85 – 94 € 195,-
20 – 24 € 87,50 95 – 104 € 210,-
25 – 29 € 95,- 105 – 114 € 225,-
30 – 34 € 102,50    > 115* >€ 240,-

All rates include 21% VAT

The rates mentioned above apply to drives that start and/or end in the areas where our offices are located. If your booked drive starts AND ends outside these areas, please call Rent A Bob for possibilities and additional charges.
Book a driver directly online


When the driver you booked from Rent A Bob notifies you of his or her arrival, it could be that you are not entirely ready to leave yet. Therefore, a waiting time of 10 minutes is included in our price. If a driver has to wait for you longer, or if for instance he/she needs to get your car from a parking garage further away, we will charge a waiting rate of € 2.00 per minute.


You can cancel a booked drive with no extra charges up to one hour before the starting time of the drive. The same goes for alterations in the scheduled time (as long as there is enough room). If you cancel later than this (or in case you forget to cancel at all), Rent A Bob reserves the right to charge at least 50% of the original price of the drive.


In case a driver has to wait for a client longer than 30 minutes, Rent A Bob reserves the right to cancel the drive. Waiting times put huge pressure on the logistics planning of Rent A Bob and as a result, drivers might arrive too late for other clients that would have liked to be driven home at the agreed time.


Delivering good service and high quality is very important to Rent A Bob. Therefore, we would like you to give us your opinion upon using our services. Would you like to share your experience? That would be very helpful for us! You can do this through this page. A million thanks in advance!

"Drivers are on time and very friendly!"
Hetty Hof - van Munster
"After the football match I used your services and was brought home quickly and easily with my contacts along 🙂 #top"
B.J. Smittenaar / I am Luigi
"Booked a ride last minute. Quick confirmation by e-mail. Driver perfectly on time. Neatly driven. Super service, well worth the money!"
Richard Thoben
"Enthusiastic, professional drivers and organisation!
Sander Blom / Solimas Groep
"Neat guy, right on time :-)"
André Triep / Strandclub WIJ
"Very polite and very neatly driven!"
Kim van 't Klooster
"It doesn't get much better than that. The friendliness of the driver and getting home carefree after a night out."
Pieter Kroon / K&A Groep
"Efficient and competent service, both in booking and in execution".
Erik Teunissen
"Right on time, good driver and very friendly".
Johanna Blok

Waarom Rent A Bob zo handig is?

Het gebruik van Rent A Bob kan om verschillende redenen verstandig zijn, vooral wanneer je [...]

Rent A Bob bij DaDa Gala

”Hoe goed de medische zorg in Nederland ook is, soms is het normale zorgpakket gewoon [...]

Rent A Bob bij White Collar Boxing

Dit jaar is de achtste editie van het evenement White Collar Boxing. Een twintigtal ondernemers [...]

Minister overweegt herinvoering omstreden alcoholslot

Minister Harbers laat onderzoek doen naar de herinvoering van het alcoholslot in personenauto’s. De bedoeling [...]

Verkeersaso op de korrel: verplichte cursus drugsrijders en snelheidsduivels

DEN HAAG – Na een explosie van het aantal automobilisten dat onder invloed rijdt van drank [...]

Snel actie tegen beschonken bestuurders

De overheid moet maatregelen nemen om alcoholgebruik in het verkeer tegen te gaan. Die oproep [...]

Steun Stichting Droomdag

Hoe fijn is het als je iemand blij kunt maken? Een lach op een gezicht [...]

Winactie € 500,- rittegoed

Duur hè. Alles. En dan de kerstinkopen nog… Maar wij gaan helpen om de kosten [...]

"Drivers are on time and very friendly!"
Hetty Hof - van Munster
"Punctual, well driven, friendly drivers!
Julius Jaspers / Chef kok
"Neat guy, right on time :-)"
André Triep / Strandclub WIJ
"Very polite and very neatly driven!"
Kim van 't Klooster
"Agreements are well honoured".
Rob van Etten / Toxozon
"I am excited by the flexibility".
Remco van den Berg / Hommerson

Waarom Rent A Bob zo handig is?

Het gebruik van Rent A Bob kan om verschillende redenen verstandig zijn, vooral wanneer je [...]

Rent A Bob bij DaDa Gala

”Hoe goed de medische zorg in Nederland ook is, soms is het normale zorgpakket gewoon [...]

Rent A Bob bij White Collar Boxing

Dit jaar is de achtste editie van het evenement White Collar Boxing. Een twintigtal ondernemers [...]

Minister overweegt herinvoering omstreden alcoholslot

Minister Harbers laat onderzoek doen naar de herinvoering van het alcoholslot in personenauto’s. De bedoeling [...]

Verkeersaso op de korrel: verplichte cursus drugsrijders en snelheidsduivels

DEN HAAG – Na een explosie van het aantal automobilisten dat onder invloed rijdt van drank [...]

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